viernes, 16 de diciembre de 2011

Bipolar gurl.

Heyya, well today I'm gonna write about me. 
I think im a super bipolar gurl. You know, somedays i'm so happy, but are days when i'm sooo sad.
are days too when I hate people who are around me, but I love them anyway. 
I think a big part of this, is vinculated with my idols. They mean too much to me, theyre the oxygen that i breathe. 
But they dont know it, and maybe never will know.
Coming back to the begin of this story, I feel things I had not felt before. Yes, I think I'm in love. who is? It's secret. 

By other side...... 

I have a lesbian friend. Yep, I love her. She's very simpatethyc. But there's times I dont even wanna see her. do you see it? I'm BIPOLAR and jealous too. 
Well, goodbye. 

            PS: I'm so sorry if i've got spelling fouls. I don't use translate.

                                                                                                         Diary of a social resentement

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