lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2011

My emo moment(?)

First, wanna say that this last week have been really bored and... so... emo. 
My best friend [or no?] is really angry with me cause I don't talk with her, do you know? I really miss her so much, she's my best friend, my everything, my life. 
I know was my mistake but, why you don't forgive me? I'm human, I'm not perfect. 
She says: 'you changed me, you have a new best friend' but no baby, you know you're the one, you KNOW it. 
My other friends [love ya guys] tell me: 'she just wanna see you while you hurts' but she's not cruel, I know she will never do that. 
She and me speak by MSN, but you know, it's not the same. She don't even greet me! 
You know I love you ******. I never wanna see you sad. 

Love you, love you princess. 

PD: You know, you're the one in my life.

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